Things are starting to pick up the pace and the intern group has been very busy this week. Many have started on individual projects that they will oversee until its completion. It is great to see the interns learning from each other and the rest of the ISoft team.
This week started of with a unique experience – Berryhill Auctioneers auction. This event typically brings a lot of excitement and chaos to the team. Interns were able to see the backstage of clerking and hear professional auctioneers in action.
Later in the week, interns were presented with multiple opportunities to have hands-on experience with hardware.
Saket worked on setting up and programming a Raspberry Pi to automatically circulate through the tabs in increments of time and then scroll to the bottom of the page. This is a first stage of a project where dashboards with performance indicators will be displayed on the screens around the building.
Other interns have worked on SQL queries for the necessary dashboards. Additionally, the group has learned about the creation of basic web pages and populating them, so now they are in process of applying those skills to the dashboard display project.
This week Van was a great contributor to the dashboard project, as well as has successfully completed a few individual ones. Among them is testing a new piece of hardware – a scanner, that can be used at customer plants.
They familiarized themselves with steps for operating scanners that are already in active use by the customers and used it as a base for developing instructions for the utilization of a brand new piece of equipment.
Izak was busy with enriching his understanding of hardware that is used in the office. He was tasked with testing the functionality of the equipment in one of the conference rooms that anyone can reserve for a meeting or an activity.
Through testing and supplementary research he discovered that the camera was not functioning properly and took initiative to contact the support team representative to troubleshoot the issue.
Overall, interns are gaining confidence and independence through their summertime experience at ISoft. They are launching into long-term projects that align with their interests and contribute to the overall success of the company.