This has been a short week in the program because ISoft Data Systems Inc. was closed on Monday, July 4th. We hope that everybody had a fun and safe holiday. Well rested after the long weekend, interns returned to their duty.
This week the group has made substantial progress on the dashboard project. Each intern was tasked with creating one or more charts to go in a report that visualizes our business performance from a variety of perspectives.
The system for querying the data and rendering the charts utilizes MySQL and Google Charts, and was written in JavaScript by one of our full time developers. It was originally made for use in a web-based inventory management and point of sale software, but is now a reusable component and can be implemented in other products as well.
Ray has finished the building phase of the support call tracker Discord bot and now it is ready for the testing phase. As can be seen in the image it gives the support team the ability to review the path of the incoming call and actions that each member took. This feature will add transparency to the team work and will aid with communication efficiency. Next step is monitoring the performance with live data and addressing bugs that surface through that process.
The group finished the week strong with a data visualization tool comparison presentation from Bara Müllerová, a developer, presenting straight from the Czech Republic. Interns learned about abilities, structure, popularity, use cases, and limitations of Power BI, Google Data Studio, and Tableau. It was determined that in order to select the most appropriate tool, one has to know what goals and priorities of the task at hand are. At the end, the interns were able to ask their questions about the tools, as well as being a Data Analyst, which is the focus of Bara’s work at ISoft Data Systems.